Our London – Exhibition

Our latest exhibition ‘Our London’ opens at the Grapevine Bar at Questors Theatre, Ealing. It will run from Thursday 21 February to Tuesday 12 March 2019. The bar is open from 7pm to 10pm weekdays and Saturday and 12.00pm to 2:30 pm on Sundays. Much of the artwork on show will be available to purchase. Why not pop in and see what we’ve been up to.

All Framed Up – Exhibition at Questors Theatre – Ealing

Our latest exhibition ‘All Framed Up’ opens at the Grapevine Bar at Questors Theatre, Ealing. It will run from Thursday 26 April to Tuesday 16 May 2018. The bar is open from 7pm to 10pm weekdays and Saturday and 12.00pm to 2:30 pm on Sundays. Much of the artwork on show will be available to purchase. Why not pop in and see what we’ve been up to. You can see all of the pictures in our online gallery